The Canadian Food Experience Project Challenges (issued and completed)
- Identifying My Canadian Voice
- My Urban Canadian Prairie Zone 3 Garden
- Al Picketts Eureka Black Garlic PEI
- The Canadian Food Experience Project: The Saskatoon Berry
- My Canadian Love Affair: Traditional Canadian Farm Food
- The Canadian Food Experience Project Challenge Eight: Resolutions and Reflections
- The Canadian Food Experience Project Challenge Six: Green Tomato Mincemeat
- The Canadian Food Experience Project Challenge Five: Preserving
- My Most Cherished Canadian Food Recipe: Liane Faulder and Peach Upside Down Pudding
- The Canadian Food Experience Project: Homemade Angel Food Cake
- The Canadian Food Experience Project: Kevin Kossowan
- Alberta Tea
- Fresh Cherry Slice with Okanagan Bing Cherries
- The Canadian Food Experience Project: The Evans Cherry
- The Canadian Food Experience Project: Potato Salad
- Announcing The Canadian Food Experience Project
- A Call to Action: Identify our Canadian Voice
Monthly Challenges for The Canadian Food Experience Project
To provide a cohesive experience for our readers, I have identified themes for each month, as follows and will issue and write about each challenge on the 7th of every month. It would be my hope that each participant would do the same.
- June 2013: My First Authentic Canadian Food Memory
- July 2013: A Regional Canadian Food: (identify your region)
- August 2013: A Canadian Food Hero in (identify your region)
- September 2013: My Cherished Canadian Recipe
- October 2013: Preserving: Our Canadian Food Tradition
- November 2013: The Canadian Harvest in (identify your region)
- December 2013: A Canadian Christmas: A (identify your region) Tradition
- January 2014: A Canadian Resolution
- February 2014: My Canadian Love Affair
- March 2014: Another Regional Canadian Food: (identify your region)
- April 2014: A Canadian Farmer or Producer
- May 2014: The Canadian Garden
- June 2014: Identifying My Canadian Voice
I am really hoping that everyone at the Food Blogger’s of Canada Conference, and more, join this Challenge as we explore the vastness of our landscape and our Canadian experience together, once a month, throughout the following year as we work to more clearly define and identify our Canadian Voice.
Les défis mensuels du projet de l’Expérience culinaire canadienne
Pour présenter une expérience uniforme à nos lecteurs, j’ai sélectionné des thèmes pour chaque mois. J’enverrai une invitation au défi et je publierai un billet sur le thème choisi à chaque 7e jour du mois. J’espère que tous les participants en feront de même. Voici les thèmes à aborder :
- Juin 2013: Mon premier souvenir culinaire authentiquement canadien
- Juillet 2013: Une cuisine de ma région : (identifier votre région)
- Août 2013: Un héros de la nourriture canadienne en/au (identifier votre région)
- Septembre 2013: Ma recette canadienne préférée
- Octobre 2013: Sauvegarder notre cuisine traditionnelle canadienne
- Novembre 2013: La récolte canadienne en/au (identifier votre région)
- Décembre 2013: Un Noël canadien : une tradition de/du (identifier votre région)
- Janvier 2014: Une résolution canadienne
- Février 2014: Mon histoire d’amour avec la cuisine canadienne
- Mars 2014: Une cuisine de ma région : (identifier votre région)
- Avril 2014: Un fermier ou un producteur canadien
- Mai 2014: Le potager canadien
- Juin 2014: Trouver ma voix canadienne
J’espère que tous les participants de la Conférence des blogueurs culinaires du Canada, et bien d’autres, relèveront le défi. Nous explorerons ensemble notre vaste paysage et notre expérience canadienne, une fois par mois pour un an, afin d’arriver à mieux définir notre identité et notre voix canadienne.
The Canadian Food Experience Project Round Ups
- The Canadian Food Experience Project: Round Up Twelve
- The Canadian Food Experience Project: Round Up Eleven
- The Canadian Food Experience Project: Round Up Ten
- The Canadian Food Experience Project: Round Up Nine
- The Canadian Food Experience Project: Round Up Eight
- The Canadian Food Experience Project: Round Up Seven
- The Canadian Food Experience Project: Round Up Six
- The Canadian Food Experience Project: Round Up Five
- The Canadian Food Experience Project: Round Up Four
- The Canadian Food Experience Project: Round Up Three
- The Canadian Food Experience Project: Round Up Two
- The Canadian Food Experience Project: Round Up One
Hey lady. I may be ready to hop on board. I’m just worried I will have nothing intelligent to offer. I’ll email you. I’m nervous about it since I’m so Americanized from living so close to the border. We’ll talk. xx
Hi what agreat work
Thank you!
Rather proud of this myself.
Mmmm. The lazy dazy cake. One of my fave’s. And easy too. It was always on my mom’s counter with the broiled coconut topping. Yum. I still use it for strawberry shortcake too. My mom also used to make a sour cream spice cake that I loved – it had sort of a pastry crust. I’ll have to find it and make it for my kids.
Find it and share it with us! Childhood food memories are so poignant and embody so much of who were are and where we came from, don’t they? Lazy Dazy cake as me at our 1950’s kitchen table (a few years later) offering my dad my icing and pretending I didn’t like it as it was his favourite. My little secret and it made me so happy.