Where to buy Cheese Making Ingredients, Materials and Supplies:
If you know of other Cheese Making Supplies: Ingredient and Material Suppliers, please leave a comment with that information below, and we will add them to our list!
- Ntala from Crazy Mare Ranch in Alberta sells cheese making kits (Alberta Canada)
- Bosch Kitchen Centre or Barbs Kitchen – (Edmonton Alberta) for rennet and citric acid
- Planet Organic, Blush Lane and Earths General Store for low heat pasteurized, non-homogenized milk: Vital Greens, Fairwind Farms (Edmonton Alberta)
- Glengarry Cheese Making and Diary Supply Ltd. (Canada)
- Danlac Canada Inc (Edmonton Alberta) Best to call and discuss your list and then a very accommodating company
- New England Cheese Making (US)
- Though he does not have a website yet (It is coming soon), Yoav Perry has a Cheese Making Supply company. He has great prices and will ship to anywhere in the world. Contact him for prices and he is very knowledgeable about cheese making too.
Can you tell me if there is a store in Toronto that sells culture.
Thanks tm
Hi, Tony
I do believe Glenngary is in Toronto.
glengary is east of Cornwal, closer to Montreal than Toronto
Thanks for this, Bridget!
Use buttermilk 1part to 15parts. Suppliers will tell you theirs a taste difference & maybe their is in industrial cheese but not in soft or farmhouse cheese. Iv been using it before kits & prefer it as it makes a stronger curd
Thanks Jo
Could you elaborate? Not exactly sure what you are saying. You use 1/15th buttermilk for every cheese recipe? What kind of buttermilk?
Toronto brewing
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Hi there – how do we find non-UHT pasteurized milk in Toronto – I want to try making mozzarella… thanks! Karen
Sent you an e-mail, Karen.
Please can you tell me too .
Where and which milk I should be buying ? Thank you
Are you in Edmonton? We buy the Vital Greens whole milk from Planet Organic. It is the best out there and makes a gorgeous cheese – the best cheese possible, next to raw milk.
We are manufacturers of resources for making cheeses at home.
Please visit our website http://www.etielcheesemaker.com.
Cristina Haberl
Etiel – Equipment for Artisanal Cheese
http://www.facebook.com / EtielWeb
55 (54) 3295 3011
55 (54) 9113 7869
Hi no I’m in Oshawa.
HI, Leva
Sorry, out of my area… call Glengary and ask them?
I found these two suppliers on Mad Millie’s website
It looks like Mad Millie has some pretty awesome kits to try out
and they say all can be replenished
Burnaby is a suburb of Vancouver for those in BC
Bosagrape Winery & Beer Supplies Ltd.
6908 Palm Avenue
Burnaby, BC, Canada V5J 4M3
Tel: 604-473-9463
Email: info@bosagrape.com
Web: http://www.bosagrape.com
Canadian Homebrew supplies Inc
10 Wilkinson road, #1
Brampton Ontario. Canada L6T 5B1
Tel: 905-450-0191
Email: chs-store@bellnet.ca
Web: http://www.homebrewsupplies.ca
Thanks, Janine!
Hi Valerie,
Would you kindly let me know where I can buy unpasteurized milk in Toronto? Been trying to make mozzarella using pasteurized milk + calcium chloride but some websites mention that it is not recommended to use calcium chloride when making mozzarella.
Also, Glengarry is far from Toronto. Do you know any stores in Toronto that sell cheese making supplies?
Any info is appreciated! Thanks!
HI, Nessa,
You will not be able to buy unpasteurized milk legally anywhere in Canada. Pasteurized milk will work for mozza – done it. As I am from Edmonton, I really don’t have that kind of specific knowledge for out there. I hope someone reading this will add to the information. If you use twitter, I would tweet out the question and you will get answers, for sure. Call your local cheesemakers, if there are any, or your local health food stores. They should be able to help you get a good quality of milk to work with.
From what I have read, as long as you don’t use ultra-pasteurized milk it should be okay. Add 1/4 tsp of calcium chloride per gallon of milk. (Except for mozzarella–I think it interferes with the stretching–maybe Valerie can elaborate on that)
Looking for ingredients to make curds – Ottawa location
Glengarry is the only company in Ontario that I am aware of – they are online.
For anyone looking for cheese making supplies in Ontario, I can also recommend the following site. I am not sure of proximity to your poster, and I hope it works out for you.
I live in Langley BC and find it very frustrating that there is NOT a single distributor of cheese making supplies in this province. Great opportunity for someone to start up a shop!
Good Luck
Bosogrape in Burnaby carries mad Millie cheese making supplies. Mad millie is a company out of New Zealand. Wish there was a closer supplier.
Yes! Making cheese at home is such a fun hobby and more and more people are embracing it with their friends and families. This would be a great little niche market for any locale. Thank you so much for the information, Cheryl!
Do you know of a place to buy cheese making supplies in Victoria BC?
Not in Victoria proper, but I do know that the artisan cheese makers in the area can help you. There are a few famous ones on the island. Do you know who they are, or do you want me to look them up for you? If you shoot them a message, they can either order what you need with their orders, most likely – or sell you what you need from their own supply. I believe on of the places does have a little shop, holds classes and sells supplies.
Hi there
Love this site its been so helpful for a beginner like myself I was wondering if you know of any suppliers in BC for cheese making supplies, if I have too Ill order from the ones above in alberta but lol if I can save on shipping and shop closer to home Id be stoked 🙂
thank you 🙂
Dear Scott,
Most small artisan cheesemakers will sell you what you need. If you connect with a small company in your area, and there are several excellent artisan cheesemakers in BC, and have a chat about what you want to do and make they can either order your items with theirs, or sell you some of their on product on hand.
Cheesemakers are a welcoming lot!
Let me know how it goes!
I am looking for a good place to get supplies in Calgary. Any ideas, i found Chinook cheese company but they only sell the vegetable tablet rennet, and that’s about it.
HI, Florin
I really don’t know of any place in Calgary. Hopefully someone else will chime in to assist.
I actually found one. 🙂
it is called make cheese, and their office is here in calgary and its related to Danlac company. You only have the option to order online, or over the phone, not a physical store, but that works too.
Thanks anyway.
Now all i need to find is a better source for milk. “beatrice” brand works …but not the best.
The best milk is Vital Greens – Planet Organic sells it.
Brampton, Ontario cheese making supplies
Thanks, Lisa.
what about a place to buy cheese making supplies or ingredients in Manitoba?? IT seems this province is always left out of everything…
Hi Cher,
I bought mine online from Toronto and live in Edmonton. I guess not too many people make cheese at home.
At St Lawrence Farmers Market on Saturdays they sell unpasteurized milk and other products. 45% cream.
Dear Maureen! I hope you can feel the hug from many of my readers. I wish I lived closer.
Thank you!
Hi Valerie
We have a new store for beginner Cheese makers. Cheeseneeds.com. We are not showing up on google yet but have a large clientele due to our Learn to make cheese page on Facebook. Yoav’s store is down now and I hope one day he opens again. As of now he is busy into great things with milk and cheese and hangs out helping us on the learn to make cheese page. We would love you to check out our store in BC and we’d love to be on the list. Thanks so much.
Chera ( owner/ operator) You can also reach me at cheeselady@telus.net. We cater to the beginner because its what we do 🙂
Thank you for letting us know, Chera!!
Hi Valerie! I’m @thecurdgirl out here in Nova Scotia and I’ve been teaching cheese making and selling supplies and kits since around 2014 (around or just before our fun together with Cheespalooza!). I ship around the country and I also do some mobile teaching in different locations. My website is being rebuilt over the winter – partly to link to our 1780s heritage farm where we also have a licensed micro dairy producing small batch cheese commercially). Folks are welcome to connect on Instagram or Facebook or email. Thanks for the opportunity to share.
Lovely to hear from you again, Heather, and that you are well and thriving in all things cheese! 🙂
Hi Valerie
I want to get a supplier for cheese making ingredients who is in Toronto or Near Toronto
Any ideas
Hi Jonh,
No personal favourites in your area. Nothing better from me that you could find with a google search.