Disclaimer: I do not know Daniel Northcott or anyone involved, but I ask you to consider contributing to this worthy Canadian project
I found this link from one of the people I follow on Linked In and was moved to actually watch the video. I rarely make the time to do these kinds of things, or to even open up such links. I was compelled to contribute. The passion of Daniel’s sister and the story yet to be told, begged my support. I hope you will feel the same way. Please like their Facebook Page and follow the development of this story… if you find it as mesmerizing as I do!
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9H1N8Xym1k&hl=en_US&version=3]
Disclaimer: I have not been asked by anyone to promote this fundraiser. I am gaining nothing tangible from it. Actually, I gave and feel it is the least I can do to assist. 🙂 V
I love this video……..Thank you!!!
Valerie, I have goosebumps on my arms after watching this video. Speechless.