Gummy Bears Recipe: Cooking with Momsey (TWO Momseys!)
Gummy Bears! Have you ever wanted to make your own? It is actually surprisingly easy and one of the silliest and most rewarding cooking experiences I’ve had in ages! look at those delectable edible jewels. Who can resist? Can you? Not me!
Every Friday, my 90 year-young mom, Helen, my daughter, Ragan, and I present a class called Cooking with Momsey at 1 pm MDT for an hour. You can register for any of our classes, here. Ragan and I got chatting one day about all of the Cookidoo® recipes on our Bucket List and decided, let’s start making one a week, and our weekly class: “Cooking with Momsey” was born.
We knew right away we wanted to include my mom, Helen. March 11, 2020, a world-wide Covid-19 pandemic was announced and we have been self-isolating pretty much non-stop, since. Mom is one of those “go-getter” Grandmothers who has never sat down a day in her life. If Covid-19 didn’t kill her, making her stay at home with nothing to do surely would. So, after 3 months of not seeing one another physically, in June we started this series of online Cooking Classes. What a blast!
Gummy candies were on both Ragan’s list and my list. The whole premise behind this class is that there are no promises. These are bucket list recipes. Join us and laugh with us as we attempt them for the first time.
Yet, we were both pretty intrigued with making this experience a successful one. We were both committed to learning how to actually make our own gummy bears. Why?
I’m Gramsy to William and Eleanor, my other daughter, Lauren’s children living in the US. Every time I leave to come home, I stash small bags of gummy bears all over the house that they find as they play throughout the next month or so. I’m pretty good at hiding them – and not too many in each bag. Just enough to share. So, I wanted to learn how to make a healthy version and I wanted to make them with William and Eleanor, eventually.
How I wish they were here!
Ragan really took this initiative by the horns! She sourced out the best ingredients, found how and where to access them during this difficult time to shop for groceries and tested the recipe we developed together after reading through several from Cookidoo® and other places. We decided to use this one as our guide but modified it significantly (see the recipe, below)
Gummy Bears Recipe: Simple Process
Ragan got these fabulous moulds at Michael’s and they are the “authentic” Gummy Bear mould and size. Love them and was so happy she made the effort as I had no idea how many a batch would make. I had other moulds: the flowers and hearts. But this really helped a great deal and made the process so much more fun for me as they look like the real deal!
No artificial colour. White is with white grape juice and red is with raspberry juice. Neither juice had enough flavour to be tasty as a gummy candy is. Those pack a flavourful punch whereas fruit juice may seem to, but is remarkably mild in comparison. These candies need a flavour boost and a natural flavour oil is definitely required for these treats.
Gummy Bears Recipe: Do They Come out of the Mould Easily
Gummy Bears Recipe: Play with Your Food!
They are so sticky! So much fun! They stick anywhere and everywhere as you can see, on the side of a glass, above. You can only imagine how much fun the littles will have playing with these!
Gummy Bears Recipe: Simple Process

Cooking with Momsey Gummy Candy Recipe
Inspired by several Cookidoo® gummy candy recipes, this recipe evolved as "the very best" (a little something from most) and is our go-to Gummy Candy recipe and many of our customers love it too!
- 40 grams gelatin powder (about 6 packets, or a box and 1/2)
- 450 grams unsweetened fruit juice
- 200 grams granulated sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon Citric Acid
- 1 capful LorAnn Candy Oil Flavouring
Place a bowl on the lid of the mixing bowl and weigh the gelatin and 300 grams juice into it; mix thoroughly and set aside
Pour sugar into the mixing bowl, add 150 grams juice, citric acid and flavouring oil and boil 5 minutes at 100°C on speed 2
Add set aside gelatin juice mixture to mixing bowl ingredients and heat 1.5 minutes at 70°C on speed 2
Pour the liquid jelly into moulds and leave to set for about 1 hour in the refrigerator
Serve homemade jelly candy
Recipe Notes
Set moulds on parchment covered cookie sheet and then fill for easy transport to fridge
Do not use spray oil with silicone moulds
Do not use Monkfruit sweetener as the gummies crystalize the following day
We have yet to try Swerve or fruit puree which is on the list to do
- add more citric acid to the batch, or roll the gummies in citric acid (pucker fun for the kiddos)
- one batch made 98 bear gummy moulds, and 2 heart moulds and 2 flower moulds, so you need to invest in moulds
- Michael's and Bulk Barn are the best for the best prices for moulds
I wonder if I can use 200 gram of organic maple syrup instead of 200 gram of granulated sugar? Can I omit the citric acid?
I’d like to try to make it for my grandchildren. Please let me know. Thanks.
Also what is this thermomix machine and how much is it cost?
I answered you via email Lisa.
No to the maple syrup. Must have citric acid.
Thermomix is a different question. I missed that in your email. I will answer that one privately as it is a longer answer.
How can I get this into cookidoo without typing it in? Ie is there a quick way to add it to cookidoo?
HI Dagmar,
I know, one day, there will be a copy and paste method for the new Cookidoo addition “adding your own recipes”. For now, it is quite labour intensive… you have to write the entire recipe in on your own… it would help to have two windows open – one with the recipe and the Cookidoo input page – and copy one bit to the input page, at a time.
Sorry I can’t be of more help!
So are these really sticky or do they end up like regular gummy candy?
They are not sticky at all. They are more see through and lighter, not as dense. Possibly more dense if you used puree instead of juice?
We love them.