Rolling Desserts Ice Cream: “Make Your Own Rolling Dessert” Buffet!
Rolling Desserts Ice Cream: Whaaat? The concept has been around on the streets, but never before at home. Brandon McIntosh stumbled upon the at-home ice plate concept when developing one for his food truck. The idea was to have them out for last summer to sell. But, good ideas take time, especially if you want to get it right, and that is precisely Brandon’s goal: to manufacture and affordable “at-home’ ice plate that is user-friendly. Yes. This is a sponsored post.
And, oh, what fun we had when he sent me his prototype to play with last January. As Gramsy, I am all in when it comes to future fun with the kiddos, but more importantly, Brandon is a young, hard-working entrepreneurial Canadian I wanted to help succeed. Why?
Why not? Doesn’t this look like fun to you? I had never heard of rolled desserts but learned quickly that they were springing up everywhere. My daughters had certainly heard of them. Lauren had a local place on her list to try out and we stopped by there when I was down to see her last February.
There was a huge lineup, and there was clearly a desire there. For me, the fun was in the watching it get made process.
But the flavours and textures of these little ditties are what keeps the lineups long. Deee-licious! The made at home recipe surpasses those you buy about 100% as the cream content is high, the ingredients are fresh and you can’t beat that. Seriously, the custard recipe is a take on an old-fashioned Creme Anglaise or Ice Cream Custard Base Recipe. It is just very small as for every 6 rolls there is a sparse 1/4 cup of the base used with a minuscule amount of the flavour ingredient. It is actually shocking how vibrant each Rolling Dessert Ice Cream flavour is from such an itty bitty amount of the flavour ingredient. You’ll have to buy it to try it and you won’t be disappointed!
Rolling Desserts Ice Cream: The Base Recipe and Flavour Ideas
Time to play with your food and who doesn’t love to do that? I sure do! The backdrop is the vanilla cream base and the flavour profile for each 6 roll serving is completely up to your imagination, craving, personal palate or what you have provided your guests to mix together if you set up a Rolling Desserts Ice Cream Buffet! Above, left to right: raspberry, strawberry and basil, banana, peanut butter with chocolate fudge sauce. Below, left to right: cocoa, cinnamon and Matcha tea.
The recipe at the end of this post includes more suggestions that will ignite your imagination. The key is “less is more” and it will take a wee bit of practice to learn the ratio for custard base to flavour base. Suggested amounts are in the recipe that have worked. Below, garnish for each flavour. Whipping cream is a must and a little touch of what flavour the frozen custard holds to identify it, as a garnish, is also key – and just plain purdy!
The Base Custard recipe for almost all Rolling Desserts is here.
Rolling Desserts Ice Cream: The Ice Plate Readiness Test or The Loonie Test
There is a bit of a learning curve completely dependent upon the variation of freezer temperatures. I have my freezer set on the highest possible setting so all within is frozen very hard. The recipe timings are not made for this setting, so Brandon explained the Loonie Test so we can all know when the ice plate is cold enough (or warm enough, as my case was) to begin to use it to make the Rolling Desserts Ice Cream.
Pour a “loonie sized dollop” amount of custard base onto the ice plate and then try to roll it. If the Ice Plate is too cold, it will stay the disc shape of a Loonie and pop off of the surface. If the Ice Plate is ready to roll the custard, the loonie sized mix drop will roll.
Rolling Desserts Ice Cream: Vanilla Custard in Real Time
After you “play with your food” and the ice plate enough to learn when it is ready to start making Rolling Desserts Ice Cream, you will reign triumphant – almost every time. Watch the video below in “Real Time” to get a sense of the process and how long it takes.
When making vanilla, it was so pretty and delicious that I decided to serve the Rolling Desserts Ice Cream with a birthday cake for a friend. Therefore, I made them the morning of the party and kept them frozen on a parchment covered pan until ready to garnish the cake.
It was such a fun presentation and really a delicious addition to my dense and moist chocolatey and caramel Turtle Birthday Cake gal pal favourite.
Rolling Desserts Ice Cream: Frozen Raspberry Custard
The raspberry was my favourite, but raspberry anything is my favourite. The ice plate above was frozen flat for 24 hours. Then, three little itty bitty berries with a scant 1/4 cup of custard create 5-6 lovely rolls of sumptuous creamy bliss. Watch along to get the idea of how to mix the flavour compound into the custard base.
Like learning when the ice plate is ready to begin the process, you will learn when the custard is ready to spread out flat on the ice tray. In simplest terms: it holds its shape. When it holds its shape, it is ready to spread out flat on the tray to be rolled.
Rolling Desserts Ice Cream: Frozen Basil Custard “Marble Slab Style”

There is never a failure, but there may be a time or two, particularly at the beginning when you don’t get the cream you have spread onto the tray to roll. There are a variety of reasons, none of which are important to learn, really. So, instead of stompin’ yer feet and cryin’ the blues, just mound that velvety flavourful delicious scoop of frozen custard into a bowl, and enjoy it! It doesn’t have to be rolled to be delicious. With the little ones, this would be the way I would start a party centre. Just made ice cream kind of like they do the “marble slab” way, but you’ll start with liquid. Watch the video to see what happened.
Confession: the basil didn’t present the strong flavour the other ingredients did. I wouldn’t likely make it again. (Hope you saw at the beginning, I did get it to roll.) Mint was very tasty!
Rolling Desserts Ice Cream: Frozen Peanut Butter and Chocolate
This was, oddly, my second favourite flavour. I am a new convert to chocolate and peanut desserts. This was mind-blowingly scrumptious and one of the easiest combinations to make.
Instead of mixing the flavour components together with the base on the ice plate as is usually done, I combined them in the base, and then just poured the flavoured base onto the ice plate. It worked like a charm, but only because I added such small amounts of fudge sauce and peanut butter.
Really delicious. I also made Maple Taffy Candy with the Ice Plate! What a great Canada Day Idea, EH? I will be posting that article soon, as well. Meantime, get over to Brandon’s site and take a look. Interested in owning one of these yet? Let me know what you think. I mean that. I really would like to hear what you think.
Rolling Desserts Ice Cream: Who, What, When, Where, How and Why?
- Who: Brandon McIntosh developed, designed and is the CEO of Rolling Desserts, a Canadian Company.
- What: The Rolling Desserts Ice Plate for 30% off 50 CA while supplies last here
- When: Projected Date for Delivery on Pre-Orders is December 2017
- Where: Kingston ON Canada!
- How: I have two posts to follow about how to use the Ice Plates and make your own Rolling Dessert Concoctions!
- Why: Making individual frozen rolled dessert treats à la minute is so much fun and a party pleaser!
Kickstarter Campaign for Rolling Desserts!
Brandon’s Pitch on The Dragon’s Den!
Rolling Desserts Ice Cream is my client
This post and all the posts I have done were paid for by him. However, you might note that I don’t accept contracts that I don’t want to do and that I don’t write about what I don’t like. I am always honest about my opinions and at the same time, work to keep my client happy by including as much learning and information as possible for my readers.
The Rolling Desserts Ice Cream Custard Base Recipe needed for the below recipe is here.

Rolling Desserts Ice Cream Flavours and Recipe
The Rolling Desserts Ice Cream Flavour Base can be found in the link, above. This recipe demonstrates the great variety of flavours that can be made with the Rolling Desserts Ice Plate and that Flavour Base with complete instructions and videos. Each frozen tray can be used 4 times successfully to produce 6 rolls per batch or 24 total rolls.
Ingredients for each Flavour Recipe:
- 80 mls or 1/3 cup or 80 grams of the Rolling Desserts Base Recipe
- fruit or flavouring options following
- 1/4 inch banana
- 1/2 medium strawberry, cored
- 1 teaspoon of Nutella
- 1 teaspoon fudge sauce
- 1/2 of two-bite brownie
- 1 teaspoon mango, minced
- 1 teaspoon kiwi
- 1 teaspoon peanut butter
- 1/2 teaspoon peanut butter and 1/2 teaspoon fudge sauce
- 1/2 Oreo cookie, crushed
- 1/2 Reeses cup, smashed
- 1/4 graham cracker
- 1 teaspoon cheesecake
- 3 blueberries, quartered
- 1 teaspoon cereal
- 2 blackberries or raspberries
- 1 teaspoon passion fruit
Instructions for Advance Preparation
Place Rolling Desserts Ice Plate into freezer in flat position for 24 hours
Make Rolling Desserts Ice Cream Recipe Base
Go to the Rolling Desserts Ice Cream Base Recipe for these ingredients and instructions
Instructions for Performing The Loonie Test to ensure the Ice Plate is ready
Pour a "loonie sized dollop" amount of custard base onto the ice plate and then try to roll it. If the Ice Plate is too cold, it will stay the disc shape of a Loonie and pop off of the surface. If the Ice Plate is ready to roll the custard, the loonie sized mix drop will roll.
Instructions for Making any Rolling Desserts Recipe
Remove Rolling Desserts plate from freezer; place securely on flat surface (a damp tea towel under ice plate will ensure it remains stable)
Place suggested amount of flavour option in middle of Ice Plate; pour liquid base over top
Using both spatulas provided, scrape cream base to middle of ice plate while mixing flavour option into ice cream base
Once flavour option is completely incorporated into cream base, spread mixture thinly and evenly over surface of ice plate
Mixture will begin to solidify; continue spreading until completely solid (about 30 seconds)
Immediately begin to roll ice cream lengthways away from work surface edge, with spatula held at a 45-degree angle
Place each roll to side on ice plate until all are rolled; makes 6
Serve immediately with a topping of choice or freeze on parchment lined paper for 24 hours prior to use.
Recipe Notes
Rolling Desserts Ice Tray will stay cold enough to make 6 batches of rolling desserts before needing another 12-24 hours in the freezer; thus, owning 2 is great for a party!
IMPT: I had a prototype ice plate when writing and developing the recipes and this information for you. The ice plate Brandon has finalized and that will be the one sold is a bit bigger, may stay colder longer etc. Everything within will apply to the new ice plate, but you may find you can use more custard per each plate load. Start with the instructions here and see where the experience takes you.
You should probably delete this article, and distance yourself from any association you had with Brandon MacIntosh. His Indiegogo campaign was a complete sham, and he swindled many people out of a sizable amount of money. I was one of those people. Long story short, he abandoned the campaign just days from shipping this ‘product’ that he then claimed was defective. He then deleted all of his related social media and went into hiding. A complete scam artist this guy is.
Hi John,
I hear you.
I am so disappointed, as well. I was deeply hurt, too – actually, writing this I feel angst in my gut. I did get paid for my article, but the remainder of the agreement was not fulfilled and I did consider removing my posts. However, have decided to leave them stand as I worked on this, learned a lot – and though what happened to so many of us through this is very hurtful, I believe my posts will help others make great rolled ice cream recipes from the ones on the market today.
Here is what I know: Brandon is young. He is smart. He is ambitious and he worked hard. He was backed by seasoned investors whos advice he took. Here is my fantasy: His investors would not support the repayment of the campaign that all of you invested in and he didn’t have the funds to do it. From how I knew him, I believe he would have been heartsick. What would you have done? I ask myself this question when others disappoint me or devastate me by their decisions. I would have definitely communicated better. He didn’t answer any of my calls and emails, either – and I was simply looking for the end of the story. I had posts I held back until I received the remainder of our agreement which were some ice-plates. Though I held them back, and have never posted them, I completed the work. And, I gave him a 1/2 price deal, as he is a young Canadian entrepreneur with a great story. So, I will not take these posts down. I don’t believe he is a scam artist at all. I do believe he got in over his head and was the fall guy – from an idea he started that was to make many money – and when the product was defective, the money jumped ship and took the money from people like you with it. Everyone lost.