Nutritious, Delicious, Economical: Home Food for Company
Home. This is what it tastes like.
Simple. Whole. Homemade.
Sometimes a little cheesy.
Sometimes a little saucy.
Delicious. Nutritious. Economical.
That is my mantra. Make Stuffed Miniature Peppers for a potluck, for dinner, for an appetizer. It is special enough for any occasion and simple enough for all occasions. Interestingly, the Stuffed Miniature Peppers taste considerably different than Stuffed Peppers as the ratio of meat to vegetable is considerably different.
Preparing the Filling
Sauté onions, then garlic in oil.
Add seasonings and meat.
Add rice and broth or water; simmer.
Adjust seasoning, cool and set aside.
Preparing the Peppers
Halve, clean and cook the peppers in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then in ice-water immediately, to blanch.
Strain and pat dry; set aside.
Putting it all Together
Stuff each blanched half until filling mounds.
Cover with sauce, if desired. If serving and baking individually, sprinkling with cheese before freezing individually works well.
Otherwise, simply place in serving dish, cover with sauce, and then cheese prior to freezing.
Of course, you can skip the freezing step, and bake immediately. Either way, the dish is delicious comforting, home food.
A little on the larger size for finger food. More like 2 bites, instead of one – but, eager diners have been known to pop a whole half into their mouth with zeal.
Usually, one is not enough. There is something about colour. Do they all taste the same? Let’s see!
What is your favourite filling for this miniature vessels?

Stuffed Miniature Bell Peppers
These humble little bites dressed up in party colours stand proud as their simple flavour appeals to almost everyone anywhere. Yield is 30 peppers stuffed, or 60 halves filled
Ingredients for Filling:
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 medium onion , minced
- 2 cloves garlic , minced
- 1 tablespoon Vegeta
- 1 tablespoon fresh and good quality paprika
- 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 500 g fatty ground pork
- 500 g ground beef
- 1 cup long grained rice
- 1 3/4 cups water or broth
Ingredients for Topping:
- 1 cup tomato soup or tomato sauce
- 1 tablespoon dried mustard
- 1 tablespoon brown sugar
- 1/4 teaspoon salt and freshly ground pepper , to taste
Ingredients for the Peppers:
- miniature multi-coloured sweet bell peppers , washed, halved and seeded
Instructions for the Filling:
Sauté the first 7 ingredients together for 3 minutes; add both meats
Stirring constantly to combine and to ensure no large pieces of ground meat cook together
When meat is brown, add rice and one cup of water or broth; stir to combine
Close lid, and with heat on low, steam for 15 minutes
Stir together and add remaining 3/4 cup water or broth; close lid and steam for 12 minutes
Remove to a bowl; cool to room temperature
Instructions for the Peppers:
Separate pepper halves according to sizes: bigger and smaller
Blanch each batch in boiling salted water for 1-2 minutes, depending upon size
Cool immediately in ice water; dry and set aside
Instructions for the Topping: Please go here to look at the step by step photos for this sauce
Mix all ingredients together
Adjust seasoning, to taste
Instructions for Putting Them all Together:
Fill each half completely with a little round on top starting with larger peppers
Place on parchment lined cookie sheet; fast freeze all overnight
Repackage in labelled and dated freezer bags the following day, until needed.... OR
Fill in spirals or decoratively in casserole dishes, top with tomato sauce and wrap well with plastic wrap; freeze until needed
Individual appetizers can be dipped in a topping or topped with a topping before baking from frozen
Heat oven to 400F; top with tomato sauce and or cheese on parchment lined cookie sheet and heat until hot, about 15 minutes
Serve immediately
Valerie—I have these little peppers in my fridge. Have been meaning to do something different with them other than use in salads. Thanks for the idea! 🙂
I just did that last week, They taste awesome. Only difference since I cant tak
e white rice, I used quinoa. You’re right, tastes different from the large stuffed peppers
That’s a great idea, Mary!
Valerie, they look amazing and I am sure they taste wonderful. Being allergic to peppers I think I’ll try them with tomatoes instead, probably using Roma’s or a similar small firm tomato. When I do I’ll let you know as I’ll split the batch since my brother loves peppers. Then I’ll have a great taste test, with no hives for me. Hugs, Brendi
sounds yummmmmmyyyyyyyyy!!!!