A great garnish or treat!
These sugared slices of fruit are fragrant and flavourful and burst with bright fresh citrus notes on your tongue. YUM!
Thinly slice the oranges and the kumquats nd place in a frying pan with the sugar syrup.
Bring to a boil at medium heat, then turn to medium low to maintain a low boil; turning slices once or twice until the liquid becomes a thick syrup and the slices are translucent (about 20-25 minutes).
Remove with tongs and place on parchment to dry overnight or dry in convection oven at 170 degrees F for 1-2 hours.
When they are dry, they will not be sticky to touch, but will be best stored between layers of parchment in a dry, cool, and dark place until ready to use.
These will keep up to 2 weeks and then will start to go “sugary”.
I cut the in quarters and served them with tea at mom’s 80th Birthday party. The are also delicious with half dipped in chocolate similar to the Orangettes I did at Christmas last year.
Is that slice of orange not the most gorgeous slice of fruit you have ever seen? Truly?
Completely worth the little effort it took to create. Try them! They are easy to make, gorgeous to look at, fragrant to the nose, and absolutely delicious to eat.
These make wonderful edible decorations on cheesecakes, etc. Way betyter than anything you could ever purchase.
A little bit of glucose or corn syrup in the mixture will help fend off the crystallization. Look lovely!
Great idea, Sarah! I have never seen this as an option in any of the recipes. I wonder why… it makes perfect sense, now that you mention it. Maybe someone else will chime in and say whether it works, or why it might not.
Ooh, those look beautiful Valerie, and super easy. My kinda recipe…teehee. These would go great with any kind of baked good huh? Knowing me, I’d probably hide in the pantry away from my kiddies and eat them as candy 😛 I’m off to superstore on my fig mission. Thank you!
These candied oranges look gorgeous. I first read the title “Canadian Oranges” and was wondering for a while what those were. I guess it’s time for bed:)
In Barcelona I had candied oranges dipped in dark chocolate and they were to die for. Did you use a sharp knife only or did you use a mandolin?
Bruleeblog: I used a sharp knife because I didn’t want them paper thin… I think they would have to be frozen to use a mandolin… they were not super thin… but perfect for what I wanted them for… and really yummy. Especially with tea.
These candied slices of citrus are tantalizing to the eyes. I’m sure they also taste amazing.
You know what? I really want to try these. One of my favorite treats are glace fruits dipped in chocolate. They are very hard to find and not to mention expensive. How cool is that, that you gave a recipe to make your own.
Thank you daaaaaaahling.
*kisses* HH
Valerie, THANK YOU!!!!!!! I love these candied oranges! The photos you took are electrifying!
How much of the sugar and water I should use to make the syrup?
Thank you, Angie – for letting me know I left out the most important part. I will go back and write in the recipe. For now, I like organic oranges – Cara Cara are my favourite for this recipe. Use a 2″4.5 ratio (water to sugar) depending upon how many oranges you will do. Whisk the sugar with the water, then bring to a simmer and cook for 8 to 9 minutes (If you took the sugar’s temperature with a candy thermometer it would be at the soft thread stage, 230 to 234 degrees F) to melt the sugar completely. Add the slices and simmer gently, reducing heat to retain a simmer. Cook until the peels get translucent, about 30 minutes. Resist the urge to stir the peels or you may introduce sugar crystals into the syrup. If necessary, swirl the pan to move the peels around. Gently turn each slice once. Remove with tongs and set on parchment paper to dry, or roll in sugar and dry on a rack, overnight (or, as I said, in the oven!)
Val, looks great, I especially like the main picture with the stack ‘o oranges off kilter. Nice composition….
Now just need to make me some!
Candied kumquats?? Genius! I confess that I don’t like kumquats, but if they were candied with sugar I think I would make room for them in my diet 😉 Your pics are too gorgeous for words. I never knew that orange slices could be so exquisite.
That looks great Valerie! I’ve never made candied fruits before, but then… so much I haven’t done or made yet.. 🙂
Those look glorious. They do not seem too difficult to make either – yet they look very impressive.
Easy and impressive are my favourite!
Valerie, these candied oranges & kumquats are gorgeous!!! I bet they are delicious. I would put them on everything from parfaits to granola to munching on all by themselves. Ohhhh, paired with dark chocolate they would be sinful. You could dip ’em in chocolate…..OK now I am fantasizing. xo
Yes! Gorgeous and a treat! I’d love to have a pile of those in front of me right now.
Who needs garnish; I would eat these babies just as is!
Great post!
WOW these look like the PERFECT treat. It’s sass, simplicity, and elegance, all bundled into one crispy slice. Arharhar. I LOVE kumquats to pieces though, and don’t think I could ever change them because I’m just so so attached to the way that they taste plain and simple. They must be expensive in Edmonton though, no? They are here, anyway. I pine over my aunt’s kumquat tree (she lives in Southern California)… le sigh.
<3 Aletheia
These are stunning! And your photos are just amazing:)
Dear Val – So much more luscious and delectable than orange peels which is what I usually fix. Lovely pics as well!
Too bad kumquats have disappeared from markets in my town….sigh…they make such a short appearance 🙂
Ciao, Devaki @ weavethousandflavors
Hey Valerie, this is a great post for me, as there is a kumquat tree in my neighborhood. It’s right near the park too, so it’s not on anyone’s property and it’s in an area of the park that is not upkept (good as they don’t spray the pesticides there!)… I always pick them, so I’m bookmarking this! Won’t be able to use it till Fall/Winter though-that’s when they grow here (smile)…
Hope all is well, Valerie, and have a great weekend. Stella
I made these with oranges but never with kumquats;great idea Valerie, plus I like your method better than mine! Gorgeous photo, totally enticing!
WOW stunning photos!!! I have done this with oranges but never with precious little kumquats, which now I am going to have to! Thanks for the inspiration and sharing!
I am a sucker for candied fruits. I tried making them once but, they did not nearly as good as what you created. awesome. The idea of using kumquats was a really nice addition too.
I’ve always wanted to make these. Thanks for posting the recipe.
These look fantastic! I’ve made candied peel before for Christmas, but this is even better. I’d probably eat most of them plain, but I bet they’d be amazing shopped up in a pound cake. On my (very long) to bake list!
What a great idea – I see these gorgeous candies in the gourmet grocer near our place – terribly overpriced for something (I didn’t realize) that is so easy to make.
Yummy, yum. yum. I’ve always wanted to make candied kumquats.and I will definitely give them a try. The photos are lovely – my nose is bursting with orange and kumquat bouquets!
I love these, they would easily be perfect on any summer treat, even to spruce up coctails..great pics
Oh wow..I love candied oranges (by themselves, not in baked goods for some reason). I candied blood oranges for a cheesecake I made last year and used them as garnish around the top. However..never candied kumquats, much less ate them..lol, so I’m going to follow your directions and try it! As always, a beautifully photographed and yummy, informative entry!
That is certainly the most gorgeous slice of orange I’ve seen!
Thank you, Lalaine! A friend from the blogoshere, Andy, from ThatJewCanCook, submitted it to Taste Spotting and they rejected it for not being sharp enough.