Edmonton Bloggers and Foodies Unite
I hosted this Foodie Gathering June 30th, 2010 (a huge final hurrah at the last day of this school year)!
When I read about the Miracle Berry and Taste Tripping Parties in the New York Times, my first thought was: “Let’s get with the program!”. I started investigating the berries in January as a new foodie trend for 2010 and came to believe it would not be feasible to buy a miracle berry tree (far too finicky), or order fresh miracle berries (come packed in dry ice and are far too expensive). The most practical option, and the one most seem to choose is the freeze dried berry in tablet form: miracle berry tablets. This berry temporarily alters the sour and bitter taste buds on the tongue, thus changing the tastes of food, temporarily.
It was an adventure. Twenty tablets for $40.00 Canadian dollars. Now, to arrange the party! Gathering local like-minded people together to meet and eat and do some Taste Tripping was the idea.
I did try to include everyone in the Edmonton Blogosphere. Caveat: if I missed anyone, it was sincerely not intentional. Out the invitation went, and slowly, oh, so slowly trickled back the responses.
I was overwhelmed. Everyone invited, (except one), responded. I thought that was phenomenal. And, all were so warm and positive, I felt embraced. Before very long, there were well over twenty people coming, then over thirty, then over forty! I ordered more berry tablets! The response had definitely surpassed my expectations! Then one, two, three, four, five, and six couples sadly had to rescinded their acceptance, at some point along the way… so the numbers were again below forty. Still, so exciting!
But, the extra tablets never came. And never came. I was truly worried. The day before the event they arrived. They really are Miracle Berries!
Planning and preparing for a party is always exciting. I get that little tingle in my tummy I used to get when I was much younger getting ready for a date! The punch was out and ready for the final ingredients to be added just before the arrival of the guests. The “tastes” were all out in the dining room and wrapped to keep fresh for the Taste Tripping, later.
Glasses, sparkled; Penny,(my baby sister) curious (I was babysitting her for the day); Beavie, in the wrong place at the wrong time!
Name tags, out; booklet made for guests (recipes of each person’s dish), out.
Labels for each dish, out.
The yard was readied for an outside party, but the wind blustered up and the blue sky clouded over. Change of plans: inside party.
And the guests started to arrive! Kevin Kossowan, from Kevin Kossowan, was first with his Applewood Smoked Mouse Tongue. The plate he is holding is the front part of the tongue; the one below him, right, is the more tender, back and side part of the tongue. I found both to be extremely tender and the applewood smoke imparted a lovely mild smoke flavour that was first, a surprise (even though I had read the name of the dish), and second, an ethereal pleasure. I was delighted with this taste experience and with the opportunity to learn from Kevin about how he prepared the tongue of this bull moose that he felled last fall. He has recently completely redesigned his site and it is definitely one I am reading daily!
Brooke, from Take it and Like it!, brought Prosciutto & Fig Crostini. I got the very last one, and it is as delicious as it looks: salty, sweet, crispy, and creamy. YUM!
Brooke and Courtney (below) co-author Take it and Like it! Courtney, Brooke’s sister-in-law, brought Tzitziki and Pita bread with a beautiful salad made with lettuce and herbs from her garden! She had everything planted long before the snow and all survived, so she has been enjoying a lot of very local, very fresh ingredients at her house! At one point of the evening she quipped: “I am not a cook!” yet, reading her posts and eating her salad had me immediately sparring with her!
Isn’t that a gorgeous salad?
Kelley, from Cookbook Cooks, brought a Summer Chickpea Salad filled with flavour and crunch that was nutritious, delicious and true to her vegetarian roots. I felt so nourished (and loved) eating it!
Mike Ewanus, aka Jean Poutine, from May Contain Nuts (and certainly contains two!) created a crunchy, chewy and yummy Moroccan Quinoa Salad. Quinoa Salad appears to be the Salad of the Summer of 2010. I am seeing it everywhere in the blogosphere and now I know why: quinoa has a lovely texture and a deliciously nutty flavour. I will be making this salad sometime this summer, for sure!
Jessica King, aka King Crabby, co-authors May Contain Nuts with Mike, and brought a Pickled Beet Salad. She and Mike initiated their site as a way of talking to each other about their personal food experiences. After eating Jessica’s beet salad, Alvin, Daniel’s guest, was changed for life: “I have never eaten beets and thought they were terrible all of my life. I tried these tonight, and they were like candy. I just love them! I cannot believe what I have been missing!”. This dish was sparkling with flavour!
Allan Suddaby, from Button Soup, is a force to be reckoned with. This is one hard core foodie. I learn so much when I read his posts! He made a Goose Confit Ravioli with Celery Leaves and a Rhubarb Vinaigrette. The confit was deadly delicious and the ravioli cooked to perfection. The celery leaves were gorgeous on it, and added the perfect herby match. He was worried about this test trial of his rhubarb vinaigrette. Nothing to worry about except that he erred on the side of caution. Kick it up a few decibels, Allan! This dish is conceptually brilliant and with a bit more tang in the vinaigrette (maybe more of a compote) this would be an over-the-moon hit. Without it, it was scrumptious!
You have met LeQuan before in my posts! She took me to Chinatown for an amazing tour and I dedicated a post to her, too. She is from LuvtoEat and writes about her very active life with her family and two little children as they live and eat together. I have learned so much from her about Vietnamese and Chinese cooking. She brought Fermented Tofu with Water Spinach that I found very tasty! I could not see any tofu (it melted into the sauce), nor determine any tofu flavour. I don’t know the flavour of fermented tofu. I was expecting a strong flavour of some sort, but this dish was bright and fresh and surprisingly hearty!
Mel Priestley, from Cellar Door, is not known for her prowess in the kitchen. She writes about wines and though I am not a wine drinker, I find myself reading her as she is an exceptional writer and I enjoy her work. She brought Tabbouleh Salad and I was surprised to find that she can make a mean Tabbouleh! Most young people don’t cook. Melissa is definitely a foodie, too.
And here is the shy and unassuming Lea, from XOX Lea Lea, with her Brochettes de Kefta! What a blast she was when we did this. I met her at the last Foodie Meetup and was immediately charmed by her bubbly exuberance and joie de vivre! She has chosen not to enable comments on her website so you won’t find the comment button. Her keftas were paired with tzitziki and pita and I found the tzitziki a perfect foil for the little meatball popping with unexpected hits of complex flavour.
Meanwhile, back in the kitchen, guest were getting to know one another and arranging their food. I thought we would all be fighting for position with our cameras, as this was primarily a blogging event, but very few of us ha them out. Lea’s husband was drinking a beer I hadn’t seen around town before (which is not really a surprise as I have never even tasted beer). He loves the brew from this local brewery. Vanja had purchased a couple of cases from Alley Cat for testing and tasting as he had recently met Neil at the Summer Solstice and that finally motivated him to give it a try.
Colleen, from How to Cook a Wolf, and The Oven, brought Chicken Tajine with Tomatoes Olives and Chickpeas as well as some homemade flat bread. Deadly delish! And what a lovely tajine dish! You may recognize both Vince and Colleen as the hosts of Slow Food Edmonton‘s Summer Solstice dinner cooked in their outdoor wood fired oven. These two are a well-oiled machine in the kitchen and with outdoor wood-fired oven cooking. Bread is one of their many specialties. Vanja and I have never had such delectable artisan bread!
Bianca Osbourne, from What’s For Dinner?, brought her warm Pesto Potato Salad and it was a mighty tasty dish! I adore warm potato salads and her pesto dressing was a refreshing change to the usual potato salad fixings!
Maria Iacobelli, manager of the City Market, brought Sloppy Joe Bison Sliders which were Vanja’s favourite. Sloppy Joe’s are traditionally a bit sweet, and hers were no exception. The chewy Ciabatta buns were the perfect complement to her yummy concoction. Isn’t her presentation cute? She is just finishing it. Maria was the gal who baked the Red Fife wheat flour bread with me in the Spring!
Chris, from Eating is the Hard Part, kept me very curious about what he was going to bring. He is holding a very hot pot (!!!) and brought Puerco Pibil (also Cochinita Pibil) which is a spicy citrus dish that packs a punch of incredible and completely “new to me” flavour. Loved the dish. I can’t eat meat, but the sauce was all over my rice in a second.
Daniel (@DanPrime) brought Portuguese-Style Chicken and Rice which was a delicately flavoured cream based dish that was very comforting. You may recognize Dan from our day of sous vide cooking together!
The guests were getting very hungry and with the final main to arrive, all avidly delved in to this incredible feast: a potluck is a prairie tradition.
It was sunny, but still cold, though that did not daunt some guests from sitting outside. Love the stockings? City Market has them!
Thankfully Bianca joined Kelley as she perched on the chair by herself at the onset. Though, that didn’t hamper her enjoying the dishes! Kevin brought a wine he made to pair with his moose tongue. I grow the same Saskatoons: I have four varieties! The wine was the best berry or fruit wine I have tasted. Truly. I didn’t tell Kevin that, and should have. I was preoccupied with pairing it with the tongue and appreciating the quintessential Canadian Foodie experience: Applewood Smoked Moose Tongue paired with house made Thiessen-Northline Saskatoon berry wine. WOW!
My plate (below) was full, and only filled with half of the offerings! Each absolutely incredible. I had said to keep it simple in the invite, as I was intimidated cooking for this crowd! But, each brought their heart on a plate.
Were you missing Miss Brûlée? Sherene from The Brûlée Blog brought Pandan Agar Agar and developed the recipe herself! She wanted to bring an experience for us to taste and eat that most would not have had and this was truly a new and unique experience for me. The agar agar was used perfectly as the jelled consistency was tender. The coconut flavour was so yummy and there was a surprise as when I ate it, it was actually somehow juicy! This was a gorgeous lovely dessert and palate cleanser preceding our Taste Tripping experience. You may remember meeting Sherene with her little Bebe at City Market’s Opening Day!
NOTE: In your recipe book (if you attended) the sugar for this recipe should read 2/3 of a cup.
Time for the Taste Tripping part of the party!!! Take the tablet, move it around all over your tongue until it dissolves. Do not chew it. Do not swallow it. The effects will last anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours. You can even start with 1/2 a tablet. That’s what I did. I admit, I was a bit afraid about a reaction. It tasted a bit like a Sweet Tart candy: sour and sweet all at once. It was quite hard, so did take awhile to dissolve on my tongue. Maria, my regular model (have you noticed this, in past posts?) is demonstrating this.
LeQuan has her plate filled with items to taste and a taste of Guiness in her hand. I provided almost all of the tastes suggested by the seller on the website. I found another article that said that Guiness tasted like a milkshake when using a miracle berry. Nope. I have never tasted Guiness before, but I have definitely had a milkshake. This was just yucky. I didn’t get to talk to LeQuan about her thoughts on the tasting experience. I am sure she will chime in here and let you know about her experience with the flavours on her plate. I don’t think her husband ventured into the Taste Tripping realm. A few attendees did not, actually. There were over thirty in attendance, and twenty pills gone. (All that worry about extra pills arriving was for naught!)
Colleen is embracing the experience and slapping a good bit of Sriracha onto her plate while Maria contemplates her choices.
Vince is a little hesitant. He is not the only one, as I said earlier. There were either several who shared, or some who didn’t participate. The lemon was a hit as it tasted like lemon drop candies.
It did take a minute or two for the effects of the tablet to kick in. My expectation was that the flavours would be altered or changed, for some reason. I was expecting a greater difference in the tastings than I experienced at first, but once I got into the rhythm of the tasting I was able to really enjoy the effects of this little miracle berry and the power of the tastes on my tongue. The lime was still tart the first time I tasted it, and then, it has like a lovely limeade: still a little tart but with a wonderful sweet undertone. I only did half a pill and am not sure if that was why there was still some sour there. Nothing else had any sour in it at all.
Once on person mentioned how delicious the lemon was, everyone was eating lemon slices like they were candy!
Vince did delve in, too, and appeared to have the same expectations I had. The strawberries were like candy, too. The most delectable strawberries on earth! The sour cream tasted like heaven with a very sweet base. I didn’t like the sweetness brought to the grape tomatoes. But there was no doubt their flavour was altered considerably. The acidity in the olives was exaggerated, and the heat in the tiny fragment of garlic I tasted burned my tongue! The pineapple was incredible and the rhubarb slices tasted like they had been soaked in a sugar syrup. It is my hope that some of the guest will add their personal experiences to the comments section, as I definitely did not get to talk to everyone about their impression and would really like to hear.
Time for dessert after the effects of the berry had worn off. Three dessert people had cancelled, so I whipped up a pavlova: one of my favourite desserts. It is great for a crowd. The meringue was made with Sunworks Farm’s eggs, and the cream was from Vital Greens farms. The raspberries were not local, but were fresh and lovely. I couldn’t find any local (or BC) berries or fruit within my time line.
Maria is again demonstrating how to eat the Pavlova! (I will blog this recipe shortly.)
And Brooke is being a great sport as I gave her a monstrous piece and she is letting me take her photo!
I had a lovely time meeting my local blogging friends! The Taste Tripping was – well, just fun! Vanja enjoyed the evening and met some very nice people (his words).
I don’t think many noticed, but Beavie was there, all evening, perched by the window, taking it all in…. and was not to be left out when the berries and cream where brought into the room. He was a busy little Beavie that evening! Too cautious to participate in the Taste Tripping as he was worried that his sour attitude might be sweetened up a bit too much!
And the day after, it was a pleasure to clean the dishes thinking about the warmth of the friendship shared the evening prior. So much to learn from so many people with so much to offer… and I was so impressed to see so many young people really into cooking and understanding the importance of cooking healthy, wholesome, fresh and local food. Edmonton Foodies – YOU ROCK!
If anyone wants a copy of all of the recipes here, just e-mail me and I can send a copy of the booklet to you that I offered to all who attended.

I had a great time, too, though only a couple of people stopped to talk to me… The evening was one of those “pretty please with sugar and cream and a berry on top” evenings! XO
Wow. What a night indeed. So glad you took the bull by the reigns and put it all together. I hope we can do something like this again one day soon! Just splendid Valerie!
I can’t wait to see your pics and read about your take on it, Chris. Thanks! And we will do something again… different, but similar. And, hopefully, the circle will grow.
Fantastic party Valerie! I’m glad I got a chance to show all you foodies that I’m into food just as much as wine! 😉
Definitely hope we will all meet up like this again!
wow! that was quite the bash!
Once again, sad we missed it… I would have loved to try everyone’s dishes and those berries! Thanks for all these pictures though… I’ve been able to put some faces to the blogs now – excellent. See you soon!
Oh no, what happened to poor Beavie? Sounds like he felt a tad left out. I think you should make him a special treat Valerie daaaaaahling.
Looks like it was a lovely event. I think its so cool to be surrounded by other people who take as much pleasure in food as I do. How cool of you to host it.
Wishing you a fabulous weekend ahead (you probably need to rest after all that LOL).
*kissesI HH
No, thank you for coming up with the idea, organizing everything, and putting together such a great night! My blog post will be up at midnight.
Maybe I should have brought some bubble bath for Beavie. He seems to always need baths after your food adventures….
Looks like everyone had a lot of fun and great food. Worst part is, my out of town was rescheduled at last minute and I could have been there 🙁
Then why didn’t you come, Jay?
I’d rsvp’d no so I didn’t think it would be appropriate to re-invite myself. Should have sent an email or tweet I suppose 🙂
Well, that is too bad, Jay! We would have LOVED to have you, but I certainly understand. It is difficult to know what to do when you don’t personally know the hostess!
I am moving to Edmonton.
What a happening town!
Looking at all these pictures, I get a warm and fuzzy feeling inside! Thank you so much for having me; and giving me the opportunity to meet so many wonderful food bloggers from our city.
I can’t wait for the next one!
So very sorry Michael and I couldn’t make it Valerie! Looks like you all had so much fun!!!!!!
Fabuuuloussnesss! You guys are totally inspirational with all the dishes you prepared. I’m so sad I couldn’t meet up with you before leaving town.
Three words: Best. Potluck. Ever. Was sooo lovely to be invited and was so much fun taste tripping both chemically with the berries and through everyone’s awesome dishes! Haha, thanks for taking so many awesome pics of me. The laughing one with my hair flying is going to be my new Facebook pic. 😀
Big props for putting the evening together – clearly a lot of work on your end, and I had a great time! So fun to connect with new folks, and reconnect with others I’ve met before.
Personal favs post-berry-tablet [I split one with Sarah, accounting for one spare. I know you want to know!] lemon, pineapple, strawberry, rhubarb, salt & vinegar chips. A half tablet certainly did the job for me. Worst effect: wine is TERRIBLE while chemically altered. TERRIBLE!!
Kevin! Thank you so much for your response regarding your personal take on the taste tripping…. so interesting for me to hear that the wine was TERRIBLE! great little tablet for those wanting to stop drinking.:)
I was thinking as I read your post, that it is so nice to see so many young people enjoy cooking. Then you also mentioned it. This is what I miss about a larger centre. What a wonderful time was had by all.
Totally the best buffet ever, that’s why I am at the front of the buffet line in the pictures 🙂
Hey Valerie!
It’s 1 AM, we just got back from Calgary and finally have the kids showered and settled in. Will definitely be back tomorrow to add my comments. I think your pavlova has kicked cheesecake out of #1 spot for my favorite dessert. I am in love all over again lol. Oh sweet pavlova how I love thee. Teehee.
What a fabulous event Valerie and all that food sounds amazing. I had never heard about those tablets and am silenty wondering why you would even make tablets like that, but it sounds fun to try..
What an amazing event Valerie, even just to gather so many passionate foodies in one room is worth the effort.
I don’t even know where to start Valerie. Thank you so much for the invite. This was THE BEST potluck I have ever attended. All that magnificent, NEW food which I had never had before had it’s own little party in my mouth. Each and every dish had it’s own uniqueness and amazing flavors. Now that’s what a potluck is supposed to be like.
My best parts of the taste tripping were the lemons. I’m ashamed to admit I mustve had at least 2 lemons and 2 limes (one of each of my hubby’s). Oh and yes, he tried the taste tripping too but didn’t seem to get the same experience as I did. He thinks he did it wrong. Lol. The lemons were like lemonade…mmm mmm good. I had so many limes and lemons that the rims of my lips were burning from the sourness while they tasted so sweet inside my mouth, so wierd. My other faves were the strawberry, kiwi, and rhubarb. The Guiness was ICK! Just tasted like flat non bitter beer, and I’m not a fan of normal beer but I never thought it could taste any worse; boy was I wrong.
The taste tripping was one of the coolest things I’ve experienced. I had never heard about that until your email and am dang glad you heard about it. This is exactly why I love reading your blog; I never know what to expect. I think you need to rename it to An Awesome Adventurous Canadian Foodie 😀
I think we all need to thank you for your curiosity. You definitely bring a liveliness to the foodie world that we all benefit from. Thank you again for this wonderful get together. Huge kudos to you and Vanja for putting such a magnificent party together with such success. It was a pleasure to finally meet Vanja! Gary and I had a great time getting to know him and some of the other lovely guests. Now to find the time to get my post up.
It looks like you had an appreciative audience. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings…Mary
Only you my dear! Masterfully done! I hope you can now finally RELAX and enjoy the summer!
We are having twenty guests at our mountain house, so it is a lot of fun, but a bit hectic at times. Loved all these dishes especially the raviolis, wow!
You are the hostess with the mostest that looks like it was one seriously awesome party Valerie well done and enjoy the summer holidays
WOW, looks like a great time was had by all! Super idea! Wish I could have been there!
Hey Valerie, this looks so fun! I wish I lived near you guys. Maybe you can all snowbird down to Florida and we can do this at my place! You know, if I ever did something like this, I know I would accidentally get toasted on all the booze. This would inevitably result in regret the next day, so maybe it’s best that I’m down here (smile)!
I hope you have a good weekend, Valerie. I don’t suppose it’s really a holiday for guys…
OHHHHHHHH my gosh. OHHHHHH my gosh. Why do I not live in Edmonton? WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY?!?!?!!?
I’d never heard of these berry tablets before, but they sound ingenious! Perhaps they’ll enable me to eat dulse… 😀
I totally LOVE the pot-luck style of the taste-tripping. All those different salads had me drooling!!
Of course, I knew what LeQuan would bring… hahaha!
Finally, I LOVED the last closing pictures of your BEAVER. How cool is it that he got in on the cream-smearing action, too? <3 So cute. I bet he's in the washing machine now. Ha! 😛
xo Aletheia
OMG!!! I am so envious. Oh why could I not live in Edmonton. This was so wonderful. I have written down the name “Taste Tripping” in my food notebook. I don’t know too many Tallahassee food bloggers but, there are a few foodies. 🙂
Miracle Berries, this was seriously cool. The dishes were amazing.
Cheers to you!
WAAAAAAAAAA… makes me wish I lived in Edmonton! What fun, fun, FUN!!! You are amazing Valerie — to organize this fabulous event, and then, to blog about it in such an exciting way. It really is almost like being there. Thank you so much for all the fun you provide! Edmonton is lucky to have you — as is Canada.
Valerie, I ♥d the photo collages of each blogger, and their dishes and I ♥ the sound of the magical berries. It is always amazing to see the faces behind the writing voices and make connections on a level so intense yet relaxed and yet awesome, all the same. Superb event and good on you for hosting!
What a PARTY! You are a great party organizer!
Wow, what a Taste Tripping party! I love how you photographed each guest with their dish. The Miracle Berry experience sounds bizarre and interesting. Such a lively get-together hosted by a super fun gal. Funny how you talk about wondering who is is gonna show at your party. I think we all get that emotion….heck I get it each time I hit the publish button in a blog post! xo
Wow, I missed out. 🙁 I hope to be able to join you all next time.
Me, too, Diane! I can tell you that this party surpassed my expectations. It was really a great group to be with for an evening! You were definitely missed!
Thanks Valerie and Vanja for hosting such a great event. The best kind of pot luck to go to is one attended by foodies! The taste tripping was a neat experience. We never would have tried it on our own. You are the ultimate hosts.
what a great event, you really pulled it together so wonderful, love all the new faces of blogger you introduced to us,great sites, and the food all look great I love how you added the face to the dish, your table setting was beautiful an dyour backyard..fab, great event…so superb..
What an amazing evening. I very sad I missed out, it looked like quite the party!
We missed you, Evonne, and hope we will meet sometime!
Wonderful post of a seemingly very interesting event!
Ah what a night. I keep looking back! Thanks again Valerie
Wow…..I want to move to Edmonton 🙂 You are amazing Valerie!!!
Thanks so much Valerie. I am eagerly awaiting the pavlova recipe. I had two pieces!!!
Taste tripping was fun. The rhubarb blew my mind. I like rhubarb a bit sour, but the berry made it SO sweet. Unbelievable flavours, really. I ate so many lemons – they were the best by far. I regret trying the garlic – so intense. That taste stayed with me for a while. The tonic water was also interesting. Thanks for the experience.
I thought the wine was excellent too. I do not have a lot of experience with homemade fruit wines, but it was yummy. There was so much good food to eat. I loved the pesto potato salad! And the bread to go with the Tagine was awesome. The pandan agar agar was a real treat too – it was lovely to look at.
I can’t wait for the next get together.
Thanks for being the hostess (and host) with mostess!!