Isn’t it gorgeous? It was a lovely time together and my stuffed eggplant was so tasty! Ukusno! YUM! Then, we retired to the living room for some more chat, and seconds later, Elsada again entered with coffee and the most magnificent torte! She will be sending the recipe for me to put in this blog, shortly. They had picked the cherries themselves, so I understood their satisfaction, but I am not sure they understood mine! DOUBLE YUMMERS!
Vanja and I got to spend time with Elsada and Ako’s children, Emina and Mirza, three and eight when we saw them last. Each speaks three languages. Double WOW! And, Emina has such a love of learning languages that she will be taking French soon. They currently speak “œBosnian”, German, and English. Emina wants to learn to write in each language now. We, and her parents, were shocked at how excited she was to speak her English and to use it so fluently and was so able to be so rapid in her responses and her conversations! Mirza was much quieter this visit, but charmed us once again with his talented playing of his guitar.
I had so much fun! Emina and I are going to be pen pals, and Elsada taught me how to make burek! A wonderful, wonderful family and I feel so fortunate to have them welcome me into their intimate little circle.
How wonderful, a glimpse into someones private life on the other side of the world. ox
Sve super, pravo gostoprimstvo, jedino kvari dojam izguzvan stoljnjak 🙂