What does one say when two beautiful looking unknowns are placed on the prettiest of plates? One says, “œThank you!” and, if you are “œA Canadian Foodie” you become very excited. These were works of art. What are they? Ormasice. Ormasice? Yes, with orah (walnuts). Pava had made ormarsice for me my first time here, and it looked nothing like this. One bite, and nirvana. Eyes rolled back in my head and I had to restrain myself from shaking violently and screaming; “œYES!” This was paradise on a plate. Fortunately, I had not eaten a thing all day. One was filling, but I went for two. I can’t recall any of the conversation, just the hedonistic pleasure that shivered through me with each bite. I did look up now and then and smile appreciatively. I did not lick my plate. I thought about it. I need to learn how to make these, and hope to get the recipe soon to include here, with my “œtry”.
And the juice? It was exactly the same as “œThe Nectar of the Gods”, and I learned it is made by pressing raw apples through a massive press, and if the apples are good, you get about one litre of juice for 2 kilos of apples. A good tree has about 14 kilos of apples. I think this very special juice should be served in a shot glass and sipped slowly to really savour the preciousness of it.

And after a lovely visit (well, I did visit after the ormasice), VJ’s mother asked if we would like to see what brings the two of them joy now that their children are no longer home. She took us to the balcony to view a swallow’s nest. They have had them for two years now and already this year the second brood of babies is coming. What a thrill to have such a treasure on your own balcony in the middle of the city!
What a memorable portion of one afternoon with the parents of one of our dearest friends. We are so blessed to have the opportunity to spend this time with them. I also took them some of Amina’s Russian Salad and Vera returned my dish just as Amina always did, filled with something to take home.
What was it? More ormasice! I guess the intense focus on my treat was not as subtle as I had hoped. I was speechless. The bowl was actually part of the gift, but always in this part of the world people give back more to you than you give to them. Always.
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