When in Alberta, eat the beef. It is the best beef in the world.
It may not be as expensive or as rare as Kobe beef. I mean, let’s face it, we have space to farm in Alberta, and farm we do. It is true, we eat far, far too much meat per capita throughout all of North America, in Canada, and particularly in Alberta. So, we do need to learn how to not eat so much meat, but definitely eat Alberta Beef.
Can you taste it? If you live here, you can look at it, and taste it. I guarantee you. It’s something about my dad’s mother’s old enamel roaster: the tables it has sat on, the families it has fed. It is the magic to the most succulent, tender beef ever. Just clean 2 or 3 bulbs of garlic, and slice the cloves thinly, push them deep into the fibers of the meat until it is completely stuffed with little slivers of garlic. Place it in the pan, oven preheated to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Cover completely with Montreal Steak Spice, and close the lid firmly. Roast with the lid on for 20 minutes a pound. Remove from the oven and take the lid off. The roast is blackened with an indescribable depth of caramelization. The sauce steeped with flavour. The meat so tender, it is difficult to resist. Let it rest. Let it rest.
Slice , oh, so thinly. Saving all of the drippings for the darkest and richest of gravies. On this day, we served our Alberta Beef on a bun to welcome my daughter’s beau to Canada. An understated presentation of a top notch product. Subtle only until the first bite. This is the way to a man’s heart. For me, there is absolutely no doubt about that.
To this, my nephew will heartily agree!
I am about to prepare a roast beef for my roommates’ birthday dinner… now only if I had some montreal steak spice… DARN!