Canadian Food Recipes; Preserving Canadian Food Practices
The plan is to meet around 3:00 pm on Saturday, November 3rd, 2012 and have a cocktail or two at the Kinsmen Clubhouse in Kinsmen Park (also known as River Valley Place, mapped attached, it is right underneath the High Level Bridge)
At 4:00pm the Mary Butterworth Bus (yes they have their own)will arrive at Kinsmen to take us to the school for some festivities and a photo.
The bus will return us to Kinsmen around 6ish for dinner.
Following Dinner we have a few more activities planned and then, of course, a chance to chat, party, dance, etc. just like we did 20 years ago!
The cost will be $25.00 per person, we would love your spouse, partner, significant other to attend as well. The cost will cover the hall, bus, dinner, munchies, cups, and ice – you get to bring the beverages of your choice and mix please.
Also, it would be great if you could bring along an MBS artifact from the first year and/or a story, memory or something to share.
For now, all that is left is for you to confirm you can still attend and to let me know if you are bringing someone. Please let me know by Tuesday, October 30 at the latest. As for money, I will collect it at the hall on the 3rd.
As for dress, lets keep it casual – pull out that original MBS sweater we all opened the school with 20 yeas ago or your team colour would be fun as well!
I am so looking forward to seeing you all on the 3rd!
If you have any questions please let myself, Susan or Shannon know.
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