My Canadian Love Affair
Laureen King at Art in the Kitchen from St Albert, Alberta, lives close enough to me that I could actually drive over for a slice of this cake…what a gorgeous tribute to those she loves. And chocolate? How can anyone go wrong with that. According to Fairtrade Canada, Canadians consume an average of 5.5 kg of chocolate per person each year, but not even close to the top five chocolate consuming countries: Switzerland at 22.36 pounds per person, Austria at 20.13, Ireland at 19.47, Germany at 18.04 and Norway at 17.93 pounds per person per year.

Sarah at All Our Fingers in the Pie from Swift Current, Saskatchewan has a Canadian Love Affair with apples! I second that!
Barb Bamber at Just a Smidgen from Calgary, Alberta, has a Canadian Love Affair with her little puppy and making delicious nutritious food for her. Barb thought you might want to bake up a few treats for your puppy for Valentine’s Day. For her, “nothing feels more Canadian than when we bundle up and walk our dog on a splendid snowy winter’s day. And nothing feels more like Calgary on a day when hoar frost flocks our trees.” To celebrate, she baked a few homemade puppy treats and named them Bella’s Biscuits to honour her family’s newest Love Affair! She loves these and thought we should share her recipe with the rest of Canada!” My dad would have gone nuts if I found a recipe for doggie biscuits that my little baby sister, Penny, would like – so, I see Bella’s Biscuits on my “to do” list.

Wanda at bakersbeans from Calgary, Alberta,is in love with a locally made sausage shop called Spolumbo’s. These sausages have no fillers, binders or preservatives and can be used in virtually any dish. Supporting local vendors and knowing she is feeding her family good wholesome food, makes her swoon with glee. Check out her pasta recipe.

Mallory at Because I Like Chocolate from Calgary, Alberta says, “I could not pick one thing to base my Canadian love affair on, so I decided to pay homage to the entire country. It’s cheesy, but I love everything about Canada, food and all: the mountains, the people, the freedom, BC apples and of course, Nanaimo bars. I cannot see myself living anywhere else”

Lindsay at The Kitchen Witch from Lady Smith, Vancouver Island, British Columbia wrote a love story about her ragu that she put together with chicken and chorizo as a nod to her Spanish roots served over potatoes, homage to her Irish half. “All together, the dish came together spectacularly!”

Marilyn at Here and There from Calgary, Alberta embraces this day as a celebration of family with warmth. Early memories of making Valentines and Valentine envelopes coupled with memories of the hardship her parents endured learning the English language warm her heart. “Valentine’s is a celebration of family but mainly loving life, self and those around us! This recipe is perfect for self indulgences or for one’s love!”
That first gorgeous cake…. I know the rest of your post has some lovely people in there but I am mesmerized by that beautiful chocolate heart! How I would love to live close by too!
What a wonderful roundup! I just love the ice fishing photo and the carrot cake!
Very diverse, and very Canadian, eh, Anna?
Incredible recipes this month. Carrot cake is always a fav in my home!
It is the cream cheese icing that everyone seems to go nuts for. The cake is a hit, but forget the icing, or switch it up, and there is trouble!
Another solid Canadian food round-up! Great to see so many people engaged in the project. Love the bacon Caesar!