Identifying our Canadian Voice (Voir plus bas pour la version française)
After the Blog Altering Canadian Food Blogger’s Conference in April, where I clearly heard the Call to Action to identify our Canadian Voice, I have begun. I am issuing a challenge to all Canadian Food Writers and Bloggers to post a unique Canadian Food Experience on the 7th day of every month.
What is a Canadian Food Experience? I believe there are three categories, and each would be specifically about identifying:
- a very specific Canadian food “only in Canada” such as: Lunenburg Pudding, Poutine, Maple Syrup, Saskatoon berries, wild rice, red fife wheat, the nodding onion, the Tamworth pig, etc…
- a very specific Canadian food tradition “only in Canada” such as how your family has celebrated Easter, or what are the traditional Christmas foods in your region
- a Canadian Food Hero (in your personal opinion): this may be a farmer, a producer, a food advocate or someone in your region that is clearly working to preserve the heritage of Canadian regional food
These posts would include a recipe where ever possible, but one is not essential for the challenge.
How do I register to participate in The Canadian Food Experience Project?
Please send to valerie AT acanadianfoodie DOT com:
- your first name
- your website name
- website link
- city and province where you are from
- if you don’t have a website, you can participate through our facebook page (I will send you the link when you register); just reply to this post
Participants are listed here.
What is required to participate in The Canadian Food Experience Project?
Each participant would publish a post:
- on the 7th of each month
- addressing the monthly challenge theme
- please send me (again, each month) the following for the recap of all participating posts that I will publish on the 15th of each month:
- your first name
- your website name
- website POST link
- city and province where you are from
- photo to accompany your link 900 pixels wide
Monthly Challenges for The Canadian Food Experience Project
To provide a cohesive experience for our readers, I have identified themes for each month, as follows and will issue and write about each challenge on the 7th of every month. It would be my hope that each participant would do the same.
- June 2013: My First Authentic Canadian Food Memory
- July 2013: A Regional Canadian Food: (identify your region)
- August 2013: A Canadian Food Hero in (identify your region)
- September 2013: My Cherished Canadian Recipe
- October 2013: Preserving: Our Canadian Food Tradition
- November 2013: The Canadian Harvest in (identify your region)
- December 2013: A Canadian Christmas: A (identify your region) Tradition
- January 2014: A Canadian Resolution
- February 2014: My Canadian Love Affair
- March 2014: Another Regional Canadian Food: (identify your region)
- April 2014: A Canadian Farmer or Producer
- May 2014: The Canadian Garden
- June 2014: Identifying My Canadian Voice
I am really hoping that everyone at the Food Blogger’s of Canada Conference, and more, join this Challenge as we explore the vastness of our landscape and our Canadian experience together, once a month, throughout the following year as we work to more clearly define and identify our Canadian Voice.
Annonce du projet de l’Expérience culinaire canadienne
Trouver notre voix canadienne
Special thanks, Bon Merci to Genevieve Charest for this translation.;) Un merci bien spécial à Genevieve Charest pour la traduction de ce billet.
Lors de la Conférence des blogueurs culinaires du Canada marquante tenue en avril dernier, j’ai entendu haut et fort l’appel à trouver notre voix canadienne. J’ai donc décidé d’initier le projet de l’Expérience culinaire canadienne. Je lance le défi à tous les écrivains et blogueurs culinaires de présenter une expérience gastronomique typiquement canadienne le 7e jour de chaque mois.
Qu’est-ce qu’une expérience culinaire canadienne? Je crois qu’il y a trois catégories, et chacune d’entre elles identifient :
- Un met caractéristique que l’on retrouve « seulement au Canada », tels que : le pudding de Lunenburg, la poutine, le sirop d’érable, les baies de Saskatoon (amélanches), le riz sauvage, le blé Red Fife, l’ail penché, le porc Tamworth, etc.
- Une tradition culinaire typiquement canadienne, telle que la façon dont votre famille célèbre Pâques, ou les mets de Noël favoris dans votre région.
- Un héro de la cuisine canadienne (selon vous). Ce pourrait être un fermier, un producteur, un champion d’un mouvement culinaire ou une personne de votre région qui tient à sauvegarder le patrimoine de la cuisine canadienne régionale.
Ces billets devraient inclure une recette autant que possible, mais ce n’est pas nécessaire pour participer au défi.
Comment puis-je m’inscrire au projet de l’Expérience culinaire canadienne?
Vous pouvez envoyer un courriel à valerie (à) acanadienfoodie (.) com avec :
- votre prénom
- le nom de votre site Web
- le lien de votre site Web
- la ville et la province où vous habitez
- si vous n’avez pas de site Web, vous pouvez participez à travers notre page Facebook en laissant un commentaire sur ce billet (je vous enverrai ensuite le lien à la page Facebook)
Vous retrouverez la liste des participants ici.
Que dois-je faire pour participer au projet de l’Expérience culinaire canadienne?
Chaque participant publiera un billet:
- le 7e jour du mois;
- avec le thème donné pour le mois en question;
- envoyez-moi un courriel à chaque mois pour que je puisse vous ajouter à la liste des billets participants, que je publierai le 15e jour de chaque mois; prière d’y inclure les informations suivantes :
- votre prénomle
- nom de votre site Web
- le lien au billet du mois
- la ville et province où vous habitez
- une photo de 900 pixels de largeur qui accompagnera votre lien
Les défis mensuels du projet de l’Expérience culinaire canadienne
Pour présenter une expérience uniforme à nos lecteurs, j’ai sélectionné des thèmes pour chaque mois. J’enverrai une invitation au défi et je publierai un billet sur le thème choisi à chaque 7e jour du mois. J’espère que tous les participants en feront de même. Voici les thèmes à aborder :
- Juin 2013: Mon premier souvenir culinaire authentiquement canadien
- Juillet 2013: Une cuisine de ma région : (identifier votre région)
- Août 2013: Un héros de la nourriture canadienne en/au (identifier votre région)
- Septembre 2013: Ma recette canadienne préférée
- Octobre 2013: Sauvegarder notre cuisine traditionnelle canadienne
- Novembre 2013: La récolte canadienne en/au (identifier votre région)
- Décembre 2013: Un Noël canadien : une tradition de/du (identifier votre région)
- Janvier 2014: Une résolution canadienne
- Février 2014: Mon histoire d’amour avec la cuisine canadienne
- Mars 2014: Une cuisine de ma région : (identifier votre région)
- Avril 2014: Un fermier ou un producteur canadien
- Mai 2014: Le potager canadien
- Juin 2014: Trouver ma voix canadienne
J’espère que tous les participants de la Conférence des blogueurs culinaires du Canada, et bien d’autres, relèveront le défi. Nous explorerons ensemble notre vaste paysage et notre expérience canadienne, une fois par mois pour un an, afin d’arriver à mieux définir notre identité et notre voix canadienne.
Merci de partager mon projet avec vos amis!
Hi Valerie,
I love, love, love this idea! I’d be thrilled to participate so please sign me up:
Rothesay NB
Over the MOON to have you signed up as the very first participant, Bridget!
What a fantastic idea Valerie!
Count me in. I am very excited to participate.
It will be interesting to see what everyone across Canada has to offer.
Looking so forward to your contributions as my Northern Alberta co-hort!
Valerie, I love, love, LOVE that you took Dana McCauley’s “Be Canadian” call to action to heart and put together such a creative response. Keep your eyes peeled for my email later tonight… this is totally something I want to be a part of.
You have me dancing! I am thrilled that this resonates with you! I was so hoping it would!
Of course you can sign me up Valerie. Even if I was not able to attend the bloggers conference I try and support the local producers in the Okanagan and all across Canada to the best of my ability.
That is the entire point. Many could not go to the conference, but I hope all that did go will sign up (fingers and toes crossed) and many more, like yourself will, as well!
What a great project Val! I would have to think hard of what to write about: My First Authentic Canadian Food Memory. Since I am born in Canada I always ate French Canadian Food and would be hard to find a first authentic Canadian Food Memory for me. Could it be food that we remember eating at home that we liked?
Of course! French Canadian Food is Canadian Food, isn’t it? To me, it is! I cherish the French speaking regions throughout our country as the food heritage is rich and vibrant and usually somewhat different (sometimes vastly) than my own Canadian Prairie food experience! I hope you join us!
Wow! I remember sitting beside you during Dana’s presentation and you were so excited by her ‘call to action’ that I thought you might burst right then and there. I could feel the gears churning and knew you’d come up with some great idea. Bravo! This is perfect, not just for Canadian foodie readers, but for you, your blog, and other Canadian food writers to participate. Just reading this page got me thinking about so many all-Canadian childhood food memories… not the least of which was poaching eggs in maple syrup at ‘la cabane a sucre’ in rural Quebec. (!)
Yup, I love everything about this concept except for the fact that I’m too tied up with other aspects of my own blog to commit 🙁 I will be following along though, cuz I can hardly wait to read entries by the many talented food bloggers we have spread across this fertile land.
That one memory has me tantalized. YOU MUST try to find the time… and work the Thermomix into every one of your posts. Or, just include yourself in the ones that fit.
That egg sounds delectable!
This is a great idea! I would love to participate. I mainly cook Italian food at home but living in Quebec has given me the opportunity to eat authentic French Canadian food.
Please send in your information so I can add you to the participant list. I believe there may be some “authentic” Canadian Italian foods, too. I know in the United States, Veal Parmigiana is one of the American Italian foods as Italians only made it with eggplant in Italy, and it wasn’t until moving to America that there was enough meat to go round, and the dish was “transformed”.
Thanks Valerie. I have emailed you the information.
Thrilled to have you join us!
I love this so much, Valerie!! I will email you shortly. I would love to participate IF I can do it as a Canadian living in Australia? I will email you to see if that’s OK. 🙂 XO
Of course you can participate as Canadian abroad. That would be incredible, Krista! I look forward to your details!
You are awesome. Way to act on the call to action! I want to be a part of it. (If I fall through the cracks, I promise I’ll pick myself up the next month!)
Thrilled you are on board, Julie!
Our collective voices will make a mark.
What a great idea, eh? Sadly I’m not Canadian but I will watch for the posts on the 7th and maybe some of my grandmother’s recipes will show up. 🙂
I don’t think I knew your grandmother was Canadian! 🙂
What a great idea Valerie! In the Netherland we have a simular thing going on. Indead by region and the result is a very nice cookbook.The region were I come from “Noord Brabant” the book is called “aerpel in “t potje” written by Nan Oomen.
The farmers in our region do have a cooperatie (?) and we cook with their veggies, milk and meat in our cookingschool with old and forgotten recipes
from mothers and grantmothers.
You and the people how comment are all so enthausiastic, I cant wait and see how things develope….going to follow this item.
We would love to cook specific Canadian food and hope for more real Canadian recipes.
Thankxs Valerie for this very nice and exiting post. (and the cheese palooza, soooo good) greetings from cheesie Netherland.
Dear Tonny,
Thank you for sharing what has happened in your area. It sounds like a great idea. Never thought of any publication, but who knows what will eventually evolve from this project. Awareness of our food experiences nationally and globally is the main goal. After that, we shall see.
So lovely to hear from you!
I look forward to reading these new “Only in Canada” posts.
But I must tell you that the dish at the top of the page is not an “only”.
It originated in Britain.
Hi Charlie…
Wonderful to hear from you!!! The dish at the top of the page wasn’t intended to be an only in Canada dish – but the ingredients are definitely Canadian… however, I would like to know what you call the dish in England to do a little research on it. Michael Smith, a Canadian Chef from PEI has developed this recipe here.
Hi Valerie:
This is called a “pan haggerty”
The bacon is usually layered between the potatoes, and sometimes cheese is added.
It is a nice filling breakfast, brunch or supper dish.
Ah, I have heard of pan haggerty, but never thought of this recipe as the same as that one. Interesting. I think this is a unique take on it, possibly inspired by it… kind of like how veal parmigiana was created in the US inspired by eggplant parmigiana… two very similar dishes – yest considerably different, at the same time, influenced by the time and place each originated.
Thanks, Charlie!
Hi Valerie,
this is quite the idea and I would love to take part in this. My German family always asks me about Canadian food and what is so specific about it. I struggle with the answer to be honest because it doesn’t seem as obvious as German food. I think this would give me a chance to identify Canadian food, though I probably will struggle with some months. (Cherished recipe? Canadian food tradition?) I saw Amy Jo on your list but I think having two people with very different backgrounds and ages participating wouldn’t be a bad thing.
Sign me up!
Baking in Saskatoon
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
It is a great thing to have you, Amy Jo, and as many others from varied backgrounds that are woven into the tapestry of this cultural mosaic we know as Canada. I cannot wait to find the commonalities in these posts, as they will be there. Right beside the differences.
Thrilled you are joining us!
What a fantastic idea VAL!
I can’t wait to learn all about Canadian traditional dishes. The potato bacon and cheese tian looks to die for!
chow! Devaki @ weavethousandflavors
This is such a great idea! But I’m so swamped right now, with the baby, I’m not sure I can commit… I’ll be following the experience with great interest, though!
I know with the baby it would be hard! I would love to have a new mommy on board as it would be such an incredible experience for all to hear about The Canadian Food Experience from your perspective.
Love this idea. I’ll definitely be taking part. Kudos for taking this on and for formulating up a year’s worth of topics so participants can think about this and plan ahead. I look forward to The Canadian Food Experience!
Great idea Val! Hope you get tons of support. 🙂
Great idea, Val. At the moment I am without an oven! Eek! Don’t know when the part will arrive and I feel so at loose ends! I can’t even do stove top cooking! I will chime in when I am back in service.
HI, Sarah
The first couple don’t require an oven – but am thrilled you are interested in participating! Please send me your info so I can add you to the list.
Love this idea. I’m not a Canadian blogger but I’m going to follow the action.
What a wonderful idea! I would love to participate in this fun and unique initiative. Please sign me up:
The best thing I ever ate…and then some
Born and raised in Timmins, Ontario; currently based in Guelph, Ontario
Signed you up, and thrilled you are joining the project, Jennifer!
Hi Valerie,
I wasn’t born in Canada but it’s now my adopted home. I may struggle with some of the months but I’d love to participate if you’ll have me 🙂
Dancin’ a jig, Rhonda!
Thrilled to have you. My husband was an immigrant and that is all a part of our Canadian multi-cultural landscape!
Can’t wait to see all of the recipes, am drooling already!
Great, Karina!
So happy to hear you will be following along!
Hi Valerie, I just resent you my email I sent you at the beginning of May confirming that I will participate. Let me know if you get it. thanks!
How did I ever miss that message. I have been keeping my fingers crossed since you said you’d get back to me on it!
Hi Valerie – this is an amazing idea and I am SO in!
Thrilled to have you join the project, Lindsay!
The project has incredible potential that can only be realized by people like you participating!
I love this idea! Our Canadian food heritage is so rich and varied. I just found out about your project and am hoping it’s not too late to join?! I will send you my information and cross my fingers. And in the meantime . . . so many cool entries to check out linked above. This will keep me busy and happy for hours. Thank you.
Wonderful to have you join us, Margaret!
Bonjour Madame Valerie,
Je viens de découvrir votre site et je suis interesser de participer à canadian food.
Voici mes coordonnées:
Prénom: Carmen
le nom du site Web: CuisineStyle
le lien du site Web:
la ville et la province où j’habite: Québec- Montréal.
Merci Beacoup, Carmen,
YEAH! Je vais vous répondre dans l’e-mail.
Where is the recipe for the photo on this page of the bacon, cheese and potato dish? Looks yummy! Thanks!
Bonsoir Valérie,
J’aimerais participer aussi, mais est ce possible d’avoir une traduction correcte de l’article en français parceque avec Google c’est pas la joie….
Je suis a Montréal.
Toutes mes excuses, Carmen,
Nous avons un traducteur, mais seulement pour les communications, pas pour les articles. We do have Francophone participants and we love more, however! S’il vous plaît revenir.
Avec regret et je vous remercie pour votre intérêt,
I have a bag of seabuckthorn berries in my freezer just waiting to become a vinaigrette. They’re sold at our local farmers’ market and I recently posted about these berries on my blog. So enjoyed reading your blog.
I have a bag of these berries in my freezer just waiting to become a vinaigrette. There’s a seabuckthorn booth at our local farmers’ market and I recently posted about it. So enjoyed reading yours.
Include your post link to your seabuckthorn berry post – here, or on Dan’s site, so we can all find it and read about it there, too!
Wonderful! Had a bush for 5 years; it didn’t produce fruit, so my husband trashed it. Grrrr! Still have not tasted a berry or seen a tree bearing this fruit.